Oh Come

I was thinking about what I might possibly mean when I ask Our Lord, “Oh Lord, come to me in power and fill me.”  Because, that is precisely what he does in Holy Communion.  Instead of of begging him to come in power, I might as well just go to Mass and shut up.  And it occurs to me that it is a remnant from my non-Catholic days.  He wasn’t in Holy Communion then, so I had to ask him to come via some other means.  But more than that, I think that it is really a cry from desperation.  Lord, come and overpower me with your grace, so much so that it will overpower my free will and make me good.  Fill me to the point where I will make wise and good choices.  But this is a non-starter with Our Lord who, desiring our holiness, nevertheless does not negate our free will.  Some try as I might to sway him otherwise, it ain’t happenin’.  He does indeed come to me in power and glory on a daily basis (were I disciplined enough), but will never do so in a manner that cancels freedom.  So I guess I’m stuck with my bad choices.  ‘Cause my freedom isn’t very free.

~ by Rob on June 19, 2009.

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